Orientation & Settling-In Assistance


This is where our personal experience really kicks in.  Moving to a new location is not just about getting there. Organising the million things that come with moving-out and transporting your family and worldly belongings half way around the world is difficult enough. 

Landing in a strange country and setting up a new home, finding the right location, schools, doctors, opening bank accounts, subscribing to services and all the rest can take matters to an entirely new level and can be a little bewildering. 

We can help make this easier for you.  We understand the process, the pitfalls and the shortcuts.  We can help you chose exactly the right location, near the right schools and all the amenities you need.  We can help you through the maze of telecom providers and call plans. We can even help get your cable TV connected to local providers as well as SKY, BBC, ITV and FOX – yes you can access all the channels as if you were back home.  

We can make introductions to banks, insurance companies who understand expat requirements, help you find a friendly car rental company which will deliver the car right to your doorstep.  We will guide you through the maze of finding and hiring domestic help.  We can help you find the lay of the land and how and where to get things done.

We can even organise a half day orientation event, show you around town and where everything is.  We can make it fun to and include lunch or afternoon tea. 

Telephone : +60 12 324 7037  (Michael)

                       +60 12 388 0805  (Ruby)

Email us: Click Here

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